Monday, March 12, 2012

Knitting an Entrelac Scarf

I took a class in entrelac knitting last week...

Knitting on the diagonal is definitely different! It's especially attractive knit with yarn that changes colors (though I've seen it knit in different colors, as well. In that case, I think you have to began and end the color - i.e., cut the yarn - each time a square is begun and ended).

First you have to knit a base of triangles...

Then add on, square by square...

I feel I'm just beginning to get the idea. Like all knitting, there is a "system" that needs to be mastered... and repeated again and again. Not impossible - if you can knit... Just different!
It's a bit like putting pieces of a puzzle together.

And - of course - it's "addictive"! I want to do just one more square, just one more square...! I hope this ball of yarn is enough for a scarf. Entrelac knitting is slower than regular knitting... Maybe it will go faster, once I master the "system."


  1. Thank you! The variegated yarn adds an interesting look.

  2. Translated please!!!!
